domenica 1 maggio 2011

What D&D Character Are You?

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Cleric Ranger

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Clerics are the voices of their God/desses on Earth. They perform the work of their deity, but this doesn't mean that they preach to a congregation all their lives. If their deity needs something done, they will do it, and can call upon that deity's power to accomplish their goals.

Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Find out What D&D Character You Are, courtesy of Zinious Software corporation

1 commento:

ioooooooooooooo ha detto...

voglio giocare!!!!!!!!!!!!

E' colpa mia!

Lo ammetto: è colpa mia! Non mi sono fatta valere e non ho sbattuto in faccia alla gente con aria da strafottenza i miei titoli e le mie cap...